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It was as if nothing I ever did was good enough. My father had asked my opinion about Hogwarts and I'd spoken my mind. Wasn't that what a man was supposed to do? Was I supposed to like that pit? I'd been raised, by him, to expect more. What did he expect? Now I was confined to my room like a child with nothing to do.

Honestly I was getting sick and tired of trying to conform to his expectations. Father was never happy no matter what I did. One day he wanted one thing out of me and the next he would completely contradict himself. The only thing that was certain was that he wanted me to become a Death Eater. That was also the one thing I was least certain I wanted.

Father always said that a Malfoy should bow to no one, but didn't he bow to the Dark Lord? It was another contradiction and there were so many of them. The more I thought about it the more angry I got. It would serve him right if I...
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