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I can't believe Ginny got out of shopping just to hang out with her friends. If my friends could only visit more often maybe I could have gotten out of it to. It was hopeless though. As my mum said I had nothing better to do. So I found myself following her in and out of stores looking for the best deal on Morse Petals and Philoniam Hocks.

If only we could stop for lunch it might be worth it, or stop in the candy store. Of course we didn't have the money for that. As we walked into the fifth store I saw the oddest thing. It was a tiny lizard with red and yellow streaks and huge blue eyes.

"Mum," I called, trying to catch her before the door shut, but she didn't hear me. I moved slowly toward the little lizard. It was shorter than a pencil from nose to tail and very thin. "Hey there little guy," I spoke in my most soothing tones, "I won't hurt you."

The lizard twitched and backed away, under a nearby bench.
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