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Gurl PowR!

"Hey," you say in that low throaty voice that comes so naturally to Gina, but which you have also perfected with a lot of practice and tutoring from her. You smile at the boy and he smiles back. Before he has a chance to respond, you continue, "You know, I think a guy has to be pretty brave to shop for this sort of stuff! Hee hee!"

"Yeah, well," he begins in a low voice that just so perfectly matches his slammin' body. Then his eyes glaze over a little and he doesn't finish his sentence. He probably doesn't wanna tell a hot thing like you that he's got a Queen Frumpy at home who bitchwhips him into buying her tampons for her.

"Well I think it's better for girls to do their own shopping for this stuff. At least, I'd never trust any guy with it. He'd probably come home with a bag full of diapers!"

"No, I know what I'm doing," he replies with that magical mixture of self-assurance and edgy arrogance that puts instant stains on your panties. "But I have to go to the pharmacy now to pick up my girlfriend's drugs."

Your heart sinks a little. Of course a man like that would be taken. In an instant.

"Good drugs I hope?" you chirp cheerily, trying to cover that sickening feeling that happens every time you get turned down, no mater how many times it happens.

"Well, anything to make the pain of the new prosthetics easier for her is a good drug," he responds before turning and walking quickly toward the pharmacy.

The prosthetics?!. His girl is a GIMP? A gorgeous guy does not belong with a gimp! He belongs with you! What is it with all the ugly girls somehow managing to snag the hotties? It's soooooo not fair. Don't even get you started on the total unfairness of that. Another one of God's mistakes. Who hired him, anyway?

Incensed and actually blushing from indignation and horrible hormonal imbalances, you huff your way to the register to buy your miserable pills. Standing there, you see a dark figure out of the corner of your eye. An instinctive glance backward sends an immediate dagger of icy fear down your spine. Oh no! This is a…a…

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