Hall of Infinite Doors

You continue chatting amicably.

"You must have had a great time on Tahiti," you say.

"It was ok," replies Nikky a little glumly. "I mean, my mom can be such a prude. We we'ren't allowed to go out and do anything. There were a lot of cute guys, but my mom hired this governess for us that made sure nothing ever happened. Not even talking on the phone."

"You must have been glad to get back to the states," you exclaim.

The food arrives quickly, and you begin eating. It is amazingly good. Nikky eats with great propriety, and you try to behave as best as possible.

"So," explains Nikky, "my mom moved us back to the states when I was 17 so I could go my senior year to high school and get ready for college."

"What was that like?"

"It was like no one let me fit in. Plus, my mom made sure I came home right after school every day so I wouldn't have trouble with boys. It was the pits. The only thing cool was prom."

"What happened there?"

She pauses. "Ok. But you have to keep this a secret. I started to flirt with this guy Scott who was super hot. He had a girlfriend at another school, but I didn't care. Besides, we could do anything except kiss and let him feel me over and stuff between classes. My mother is such a prude. But then, his girlfriend is going to be in Europe for the prom. So he takes me. He and four of his friends hired this huge limo and Scott and I go with them. They were all jocks. It was so awesome. After prom was over they had the driver take us to this secluded spot in the woods. In fact, this was the dress I wore. We were all having fun. Just then, one of the guys tells his girl that he needs 'break-up sex' since they are going to go to different colleges. Another couple agrees because he is going to college and she is staying in school. So, anyway, we all start going at it with our dates. Then, each guy passes each girl around until we get to be with each guy. It was so awesome! I couldn't believe it."

"Wow," is all that you can muster.

"The only bad part," she continues, gushing, "is that I didn't get to tip the limo driver."

"Tip the limo driver?"

"Yeah," she explains. "The guys said a couple of us needed to tip the limo driver. He clearly wanted me, but they guys made this freshman and sophomore girl do it. I think it was because they were cheerleaders. I was so jealous. That was like the best night I ever had. My mom didn't know a thing."
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