Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Red

Pikachu: "It was a Missingno!"

Charmander: "A what?"

Pikachu: "Missingno!!! There's an old legend about Missingno. A long time ago, when Pokemon first started walking the earth, a Pokemon called Missingno was created. But Missingno wasn't a Pokemon. No one knew exactly what it was. Missingno roamed the earth, appearing only to those who it deemed worthy. However, all who saw Missingno suffered painful deaths. No one who has seen Missingno has lived for more than 3 days...The last time anyone has seen Missingno was 5,000 years ago."

Charmander: "So let me get this straight. No one know knows exactly what Missingno is, but it appears to us 'lucky few', who die in 3 days. I DON'T WANT TO DIE!!!"

Pikachu: "I know, but at least we-"

Charmander: "You"

Pikachu: "-got to see it."

Charmander: "So what are we going to do?"

Pikachu: "I DON"T FUCKING KNOW!!!"

Charmander: "I'm sorry. You know this world better than I do though, so what do you THINK we should do?"

Pikachu: "..."
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