Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Red

You throw an Oran Berry at Pikachu. Pikachu eats the Oran Berry right as Cubone attacks him. Luckily, it was only a normal attack, so Pikachu only took 1 damage. You kill Cubone with a Metal Claw and go up the stairs. You are walking around the next floor when Pikachu stops.

Pikachu: "Charmander, you just saved my life. What the hell did I do to deserve a friend like you?!?"

Pikachu runs up and gives you a huge hug. You give him a little pat on the back and say it was nothing, then push him away.

Donphan: "Sniff...stop it, you're depressing me..."

Charmander: "Shall we go on already?"

Team Um makes it through another 28 floors without much of a problem. You eat your Big Apple, but find another one, along with another Pecha Berry, a Cleanse Orb, and 845 more Poke. When you hit 60F, though, you find a Kecleon shop. While the three of you look at the items, Kecleon pulls you aside.

Kecleon: "Hey, you look like a Pokemon of money, and a fine, brave, strong one at that. I will make you a deal. *pulls out a beautiful, gold, emrald-inlaid box, then opens it* I have this lovely Ribbon here, but it is no ordinary Ribbon. It is a very unique item, the only one of its kind. I will tell you what it is; its a Pure Ribbon. Legend says that when the Pure Ribbon is worn by the purest of souls, the Ribbon will protect its master from any harm it may endure, and bring them great fortune. I will make you a deal. Since neither my brother or I need this lovely Ribbon, I will sell it to you. I will sell it to you for 5,000 Poke. That is a steal! What do you say?"

You look at the Ribbon in awe and think about it. You only have 3,798 Poke, but if what Kecleon says is true, then this would be an extraordinary item to have! What do you do?
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