Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Red

Donphan: "Some Pokemon call me Emo Donphan too. I suppose I am..."

Pikachu: "Right. Well, if we're going to go rescue your daughter, we should probably leave soon, while it's still early. Charmander, go pack up the stuff we bought yesterday, and I'll go get some Poke from the bank. Donphan, where do you think your daughter would be?"

Donphan: "I don't know. She used to love to play at a place we called the Shady Tree. Used to...sniff...do you have a tissue and a razor?"

Pikachu: "Nope, sorry Donphan. I guess we should start searching there."

Donphan: "Are you sure you're ready to face it? It's 99 floors and full of Water, Ground, Ghost, Grass, and Bug Pokemon...*shudder*..."

Charmander: "*gulp* Yeah, we can handle it."

You and Donphan wait 10 minutes while Pikachu goes to get the money, then the three of you head out to the Shady Tree. Here are your stats:


Charmander (you): Lv 35 HP: 100/100 Moves: Ember, Metal Claw, Flamethrower, Heat Wave (yes, I do know that only Charizard learns this move. For this story, so does Charmander.)

Pikachu (partner): Lv 35 HP: 105/105 Moves: Thundershock, Thunder Wave, Thunderbolt, Shock Wave

Donphan (client): Lv 20 HP: 75/75 Moves: Earthquake, Rollout, Tackle, Odor Sleuth


Apple x2 Oran Berry x1 Pecha Berry x1 Max Elixer x2 Reviver Seed x2 Escape Orb x1 1,000 Poke

The three of you reach the Shady Tree. Just as you expected, it is a GIANT tree with a purplish mist surrounding it. There is a small hole at the base of the tree. It appears as if you will have to climb inside the tree and make your way up. Donphan confirms everything I just typed, and you, Followed by Pikachu, then Donphan, crawl into the hole.

Team Um manages to make their way through the first 30 floors without much trouble. Along the way, you find two more Oran Berries, a Pecha Berry, a Reviver Seed, a Trawl Orb, and 1,582 Poke. When you reach 31F, it is one room and a HUGE Monster House pops up! You are surrounded by Glooms, Poliwhirls, Ninjasks, Duskulls, and Cubones. Your immediate surroundings look like this (The first letter of each Pokemon represents where they are. A capital letters represent your party; lowercase letters represent the wild Pokemon; dashes [-] represent a blank space.):

- g p d c

c P C D n

n - c p g

What do you do on your first turn?
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