Try the new AI-powered Infinite Story.

the quest

Will you get that light out of my eye! You yell, then you realize that you are alive, well kind of. You look around and see nothing but light, then you here it, a voice, a woman's voice. "You have died, hero, but you have earned a privilege, life after death. An evil stands fast. Threatening the country, the world."
"Who are you are you"
"I am the prophet"
"Where do I come in?"
"You, hero, are my warrior, you will stand against the evil, such is my prophecy,"
" Oh yeah then tell me, what's next"
" That I do not know, my prophecy has been fulfilled, the fate rest on you. Take this blade and go."
The light fades and you awaken where you fell, your wound id healed, the girl stands over you.
"When you fell your sword cut me loose, I noticed the cut on your back so I ran for help. When I got back the cut was gone"
The voice of the prophet speaks.
"You won't be able to face the evil alone. Go to the city of Bukael and find the man known as Cyrus the Great. He will help".
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