Try the new AI-powered Infinite Story.

the quest

"Alright," you reply. You turn around as the girl walks up to you. She gasps silently when she sees your bloodstained shirt. "That's gonna need to be covered up. Also, I have some herbs that might help..." she says.

"Here, use this to cover it," You say, tearing a piece of your shirt off and handing it back to her.

"Thanks," she replies. She pulls a pouch from her pocket and removes a greenish hearb. She grinds it up in her hand and rubs it on the wound. You wince, as it stings and is quite painful. She then takes the ripped sleeve and ties it tightly around you, blushing slightly. "There,"

Thank you, miss...?"

"Rynn, call me Rynn,"

"...ok, thank you, Rynn..."

"Don't mention it..."

"Where ya headed anyway?"
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