Escape The Fast Approaching Wave Of McDonald's Tartar Sauce

You decide that at this point, you're probably fucked, and should just wait the whole thing out. As you sit back down in your chair, you watch the television's live broadcast from a trailer court that's just outside the city limits.

"Well, Ah was out mowin' thuh lawn, and Larlene wuzuh tell'n' thuh kids tuh git back'n'sahd... An' about that tahm, ah heard thisuh noise... kahnna sounded lahk one uhv thuh vats at thuh poop plant down thuh road whin'n' they dun churn 'em up. Ah looked back'n'jus saw this tahdal wave uh... well.. uh.. sumpin', an'it smayuled real bad, lahk when my brother takes his shoes off at christmas tahm. Mah gawd, the smayul wuz juss awful, an' then thuh kids started crah'n."

"My God," you think to yourself, "This man must think he's the king of White Trash Suburbia or something."

As you casually glance out the window, you notice that the tartar sauce is now rising up onto your lawn. And the sauce level is rising quite quickly.
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