Humanities weakness.

Your name is Frank Woods, but your friends call you Franky. You were born on July 27, 1998. This story takes place in 2018.

You wake up at 2 PM on a freezing Saturday afternoon in your small apartment in northern Alaska. It’s March 4, 2018, and you feel awful—you barely slept last night, and now you’re battling a wave of sickness. Your body aches, your throat is sore, and a deep chill lingers in your bones despite the warmth of your blankets.

Downstairs, you hear the familiar sounds of clinking plates and quiet conversation. Your three roommates—Mary, John, and Billy—are already awake, gathered in the kitchen for lunch. The scent of food drifts up to your room, but your stomach turns at the thought of eating.

You sit up in bed, rubbing your eyes. The dull headache pressing against your skull makes even the simplest movements feel exhausting. Your body begs for rest, but a small part of you wonders if forcing yourself to eat might help.

Do you eat regardless, or stay in bed and try to sleep it off?

You have 2 choices:

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