Herald of the waters

It is not a time of great appreciation for the wonders of the human soul that waits to be discovered, but the lure for gold, excitment and fame pushes both pampered aristocrats and adventurers to go beyond the Twilight Ocean to conquer, enslave, and plunder. Not even two centuries have passed since the first ship turned the misfortune of the gale into a glorious discovery. Soon, Promise, the new continent, was colonized by every nation in the, until then, known world. Wooden palisades surrounding the early settlements were in time replaced by rock fortresses and cannon for fear of the wild Eloi.

Walls, bayonets and vigilance can only provide a weak ointment for the dread of the guilty as nothing can spare them from their nightmares in this country that knows not God. And blameworthy indeed are the proud conquerors of this new land, as the gold they hoard is stained by the blood and sweat of the Eloi. And yet these are not their only sins; their own people they exploit.

You were born not yet thirteen years ago in Denai, a country in the old world that boasts itself in its colonies in Promise. To the kingdom you are not heir as your family was one of landless peasants, bound to the fields of Count Alexaei. I say was, and I say truly as you are now an orphan.

It was but yesterday that the people of Nedei, your village, walked with you the tear showered path that leads to the cemetery. There, without a coffin, parents and children were slowly lowered into a grave, as deep as your sorrow. The women sang a farewell, and then they were gone. You stayed, alone, just you, the rain and those you are not to see again...

As the sun set down a man you cannot recall came for you. As you allowed to drag yourself back home the question kept coming once and once again in your mind. Why? Why was I spared from the sickness? Finally, somehow the night found you sleeping in the now cold family bed. Your dreams only added weight to the question.

But you have awakened...

Sitting on the bed, you stare briefly at the ray of golden light that sneaks through a tiny breach in the waxed paper that covers the window. That your parents were never as rich as to buy glass, does not impede you enjoying at its full the sheer beauty of the tiny ray which points at your heart and dimly lights your home. There are not many items worthy to be described; but let's mention some baskets filled by clothes, a crude wooden table, some chairs and the door. And now it's knocked.

Naked as you are, you roll the coarse black blanket over you and walk to the door. Now you open it, to meet Voloi - one of the servants of your family landlord, Count Alexaei - who speaks to you.

"Dear Apai" (which I must now assure you it's your name), "I know your heart is joyless but I have a commission from my Lord which I may not delay. His Excellency regrets to ask you to abandon this home before the sun rises again, as he can see no way how someone as young as you could pay the rent. However, out of the commiserate heart of his wife, he would gladly welcome you as a servant boy in his castle. What should I tell my Lord?"

Voloi, who is as guiltless as the old man he is can be, awaits for your answer with a professional, insensitive look, just betrayed by his watered eyes. What are you to answer him?

• You might accept his offer as this seems a safe option to get some food and board. However it is also true that food will be meager and work exhausting. If this is your choice please continue your reading at "Accept Offer".
• You could also abandon this home and go to Denai'oli; the capital of your country. It is a four days journey, but you have been told is easy to live there by becoming an apprentice. If this is your choice please continue your reading at "Apprentice".
• There is also the possibility of asking for some time to meditate your decision, until you can learn more of the choices available. If you judge this course of action most prudent, continue your reading at "Meditate".
• You can also show resolve about not ever leaving this home and that you will find a way to pay his Lordship in full. If you are willing to keep this home without regard for consequences, then continue your reading at "I'll keep my home"
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