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"Hey Kyle, me and the boys are going down to the beach tomorrow arvo for a bit of a party thing have a few drinks and just have good fun" says Mitch
"Hey mate, I don't know. I've got hockey training and I’m trying to make this rep team. I'm pretty keen on hockey at the moment, I’m playing 4 -5 times a week. I try to get as much sleep as I can so I don't think I can come" Kyle replies
"Come on mate! Nothin wrong with a bit of fun with your friends" says Mitch
"Yeah your right. But I’m not too sure about the fact that you guys will be drinking. That’s bad enough drinking underage, but in a public place. As well, what if someone from the public call the cops on you and they catch you underage drinking. What will you do then. I don’t know about you, but my parents would be pretty pissed if they got a call from the police asking if they could come pick me up from the station" says Kyle trying to convince Mitch to think about what his doing. Says Kyle
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