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“Your such a pussy, it will not even be bad just a few drinks” says Mitch
“Nah dude I just don't want to get busted for drinking under age. It is pretty dumb drinking in a public place. Your pretty much asking for trouble.” Says Kyle trying to convince Mitch not to do it
“But no one will see us it will be at night” Says mitch trying to fight back
“At our age now is when our brains are growing and need to be as healthy as possible. Alcohol plays on the nerve cells of our brains and disturbs the communication between nerves cells and other cells of our bodies. Alcohol at our age isn’t that good for our bodies. I guess small amounts would be alright but still I just don’t think it’s worth it.” States Kyle
“and it’s not only what it does to our brain, it’s also what desitions we make when we are drunk.” Kyle says
“what do you mean” Mitch replies
“ when your drunk you don't have full control of what you’re doing and the decisions you make could get your hurt. You could go to cross a road and not look and get hit by a car and wake up in hospital. That decision you made to have just another drink could depend life and death.” Kyle says
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