Ratings & Comments
Cops and robbers
by happyhak
Dec 14, 2010
Looks like a lot of effort was put into this story! Hope the author continues it!
This story isnt really that good, it could be better. It has weird choices
I gave it a ten! Its well funny and long!Theres only one problem with it: It only has a view of a boy so if a girl trys it(not that iam a girl)then it looks like the girl is a lesbian! Check out my story...may not be as good as this one but still is pretty good!
This story is hilaourious!!! Any person who says this is 7 or lower is an idiot!!!
This is a bad story! The choices are rubbish! Guess thats why they call it: The Terrible Story!
This story is kinda weird! Because I mean if you only look at the beggining then the hippo part your gunna be thinking how did i end up here?