Dan2 Dan2

Ratings & Comments

Need lesser choice
Life After Life by Dan2 Apr 1, 2012
I liked it.
He may have helped to cripple our nation more than any president has ever hoped to do before, but man did he have personality doing it.
This is a really cool story! I appreciate the level of detail on every page. Really shows that the author cares about this story and it makes it much more interesting to read.
For a prologue it's not bad.
Angels by Dan2 Oct 26, 2010
a night alone by Dan2 May 28, 2010
Lame and diminutive.
theman by Dan2 May 13, 2010
Hall of Infinite Doors by Dan2 Apr 16, 2010
While many doors do hold very exceptional stories, I feel that while this was a great idea to start with, the vast majority of this story is sloppily written and not very creative. Of course it always has the opportunity to get better, but this is definitely a story that needs periodic clean ups.
It's aight.
POKEMON by Dan2 May 26, 2009
Lol, even though I haven't really ever cared for pokemon stories..I like the concept you have of battling.
Wild West Adventure by Dan2 May 11, 2009
Seems decent..
Nice pics tho
Dude cmon...I can tell you could write better than this if you just put some effort into it.
Whatever Life by Dan2 Jan 16, 2009
well, this coulda been better..
Government by Dan2 Sep 13, 2008
Wow, this story basically sucks..
Bob's Life by Dan2 Nov 14, 2007
Wow, Bob has quite the life doesn't he.
The Quest by Dan2 Aug 3, 2007
It's really a shame that Cat didn't continue this. It had real potential.
Maze Teleporter by Dan2 Aug 3, 2007
I'm not one for maze stories but I'd say yours was about average.
You set up your stories the same way I like to set up mine. Many paths open for possibility and the story can take any turn it wants into fiction, horror, fantasy, anything. But the way it's created the rooms are all pretty much logical and they make sense.

Great Job
Escape Artist by Dan2 Aug 2, 2007
I have to give you credit for the amount of patience it must've taken to write this. Repeating the same rooms over and over with different items....sheesh.
Doubling Money Project by Dan2 Aug 2, 2007
Nice idea. Probably would've rated higher if I hadn't already seen this demonstrated before.
YAWN. Boring story. This isn't even the life of an average person, it's the life of a very dull person.
Booty Call by Dan2 Jun 2, 2007
Yeah, the actual games are definitely better. You probably should have created your own Jake stories, at least that would have been more interesting. But the way you change around writing tenses is so confusing it pretty much makes this story one that most are just going to give up on.
Average story for people to goof around in.
Didn't even have to go through more than 3 rooms before I realized this was a simple cut-and-paste IS version of that annoying flash game.

As for the rest of you, I can't believe you actually read it through, LOL
Great story if you like cars. Needs more work though.
Well, thanks for all the endings and the one right choice with every room. Really clever.
On My Way To School by Dan2 Oct 28, 2006
Not anything new or original but...

okay. No real spelling errors, which is good.
dinner by Dan2 Oct 24, 2006
Pokemon by Dan2 Oct 17, 2006
Good story. Doesn't get very far though.
The One Word Story! by Dan2 Oct 16, 2006
Not as brilliant as your other story.
Stewie's Sexy Party! by Dan2 Oct 11, 2006
Sort of funny. Only one beginning choice though. That's just not cool.
Another Monday Morning by Dan2 Oct 8, 2006
Well, it is a classic.
The Mob!!! by Dan2 Oct 8, 2006

UR NAME IS KORO by Dan2 Oct 8, 2006
The Black Citadel by Dan2 Oct 8, 2006
Great story. Mana is sort of hard to understand and could use a bit more detail. Other than that, it's really well done.
the way of splap by Dan2 Oct 2, 2006
#Digiworld Adventure 2 by Dan2 Sep 21, 2006
Wow, you actually found some guy named BillthePony to add to your shitty story. Too bad it still sucks beyond belief.

PS: You're going to hell for this.
The #Digiworld Adventure by Dan2 Sep 21, 2006
I would write an awful review about this story, but considering the odds you'll probably already have committed suicide over your pathetic life before you'll ever be able to read this.

Yeah, and that made about as much sense as your suckalicious story.
a normal thursday by Dan2 Sep 21, 2006

how old are you??
Excellent story. Keep writing!
NM by Dan2 Sep 18, 2006
uhh, are you a bich?
Wait...what's the point of this?
a day as someone else by Dan2 Sep 9, 2006
Well he doesn't seem to be worried about changing into a girl for no reason that much does he?
Cool story and fun new idea.
Time Traveller by Dan2 Mar 22, 2006
Awesome story, especially since the adventure doesn't end at the medieval time. You can also go on to explore prehistoric times, WWII, and the Wild West. This story was written about three years ago and it still has much potential.
Very good romance story. You don't see too many of these.
College by Dan2 Mar 19, 2006
Funny story.
Killer in the school by Dan2 Mar 17, 2006
It was good. Some of the twists I thought were a little too obvious though especially the one at the end. The riddles were cool but it didn't make much sense why kids would be asking you riddles while there is killing and slaughtering going on in the school.
War of the Gods by Dan2 Mar 16, 2006
This story is awesome!!!!!!!!
Make your own adventure by Dan2 Mar 16, 2006
Maze of death by Dan2 Mar 14, 2006
Ghosts by Dan2 Mar 14, 2006
A Harry Potter Adventure by Dan2 May 11, 2005
Really good, but please continue working on it!