Futurecast Futurecast

Ratings & Comments

The Paradox Factor by Futurecast Dec 29, 2011
Necromancer by Futurecast Jun 13, 2007
Utterly Superb. I read every room with great enjoyment.
I don't think people should really rate this but should just leave comments. Its not really "rateable". Still kind of amusing.
The Paradox Factor by Futurecast Dec 26, 2006
An utterly bizarre flawed masterpiece.
Mary Mcgrory


Definition of "glom":
To seize upon or latch onto something: "The country has glommed onto the spectacle of a wizard showman turning the tables on his inquisitors" (Mary McGrory).
"look who came out of the US! Bill Gates and Stephen Hawking!"

Erm, you clearly haven't read this then:


He isn't American.
An extremly underated flawed masterpiece.