Ratings & Comments
The Paradox Factor
by Futurecast
Dec 29, 2011
Utterly Superb. I read every room with great enjoyment.
I don't think people should really rate this but should just leave comments. Its not really "rateable". Still kind of amusing.
An utterly bizarre flawed masterpiece.
Mary Mcgrory
Definition of "glom":
To seize upon or latch onto something: "The country has glommed onto the spectacle of a wizard showman turning the tables on his inquisitors" (Mary McGrory).
Mary Mcgrory
Definition of "glom":
To seize upon or latch onto something: "The country has glommed onto the spectacle of a wizard showman turning the tables on his inquisitors" (Mary McGrory).
"look who came out of the US! Bill Gates and Stephen Hawking!"
Erm, you clearly haven't read this then:
He isn't American.
Erm, you clearly haven't read this then:
He isn't American.
An extremly underated flawed masterpiece.