Gender changing adventure


You try to avoid the stab and you are succesful!

The man with the dagger, having tried to stab you, now is imbalanced: in that moment you kick his leg and him falls on the floor loosing is dagger.

You run towards the weapon but the man, now layed on the floor, tryes to stop you grabbing your leg: with a violent kick, hitting his face, you free yourself from his grip.

Once grabbed the dagger you go towards the man and, stabbing him multiple times, you kill him.
You are exhausted: you don't remeber if you've killed someone before but, looking his dead body, you think, relieving yourself, that he deserved it.

Sitting on the floor while recovering yourself, you notice that slowly your body is re-acquiring it's manhood: the chest is deflating, your muscles are growing back and your hair are returning to their original lenght. Luckily it seems that the panties have to work for a while to change someone into a woman and, if their work is interrupted, the effect is reversable with the passing of the time.

Once recovered you notice that the door is still open: once taken the dagger and weared the dead man things, you find some keys in a coat pocket.

You think “it's time to fight my way to the freedom...!