Catharsis of Cthulhu

Together Hall, Dahlik, John, and yourself make your way to the Bridge.

The way, though littered with the remains of your former teammates, remains quiet and still. You meet no resistance as you enter the bridge.

Devastation is everywhere. Blood and viscera litter the floor and almost every conrol panel and I/O board seem smashed beyond repair. Perhaps the most eery part of the whole room is that, despite having so much blood, not a single body remains. Yet, still Eve Catharsis' heart beat keeps up a steady rhythym on your display.

"Doctor Catharsis!" Hall calls fearlessly, stepping into the room behind you without a twitch of fear. "Doctor Catharsis, we know that you're here. Please reveal yourself!"

A hiss escapes from the ceiling. Looking up, you have the chance to see Catharsis lower herself into the room's ambient light and reveal her twisted form. Her skin is no longer a pale peach but a blotched and spotted red and grey. Her eyes are horrible white orbs occupying space in her skull. Her teeth are gnashing, pointed, with pieces of gore stuck between them. Her arms and legs have grown long and thin, the feet and hands thin inhuman things of grasping points.

"Hall," she hisses. "You presume to command me?"

"Command? No. Force? Yes," Hall responds. You keep your weapon (a Beretta ARX 160) trained on Catharsis.

A raspy laugh breaks through Catharsis' teeth. "Assumptions are dangerously stupid things, Doctor. Your crew lies in ruin. All of their souls have been absorbed into myself and I sleep no more! Once I consume your friends and yourself, as well as break your filthy little toy!" she spits, "I will be strong enough to infect the rest of your puny race. And, finally humankind can rest in oblivion with the rest of the gods' foul abominations."

"23," Hall responds quietly into the silence following Catharsis' declaration.

"Yes, sir?" you respond.

"Fire at will."

"Yes, sir."

You release a volley of bullets into Catharsis' torso, but it only seems to slow her and not do any great damage. You watch as she curls up into a crouching stance, preparing to launch herself toward you.

As a last ditch effort, you guide your assault rifle towards her extremities, legs and arms. She immediately lets out a screech and falls to the floor in front of you. You advance on her, shooting at her extremities until they snap off under the attack. Finally, there's nothing left, save her head and torso. Her torso was riddled with holes, but still it heaved and took breath.

"You never really defeat us. We always exist, just a thin membrane away from you. You'll never -"

Catharsis wasn't able to finish her thought, as Hall's boot went through her head and crushed it.

"That's quite enough of that," he mutters, scraping the gook from the bottom of his boot off on the side of a control panel. "Let's get out of here," he says, turning to the three of you and moving towards the exit.

There's nothing left to do, save leave for the next planet.

< Congratulations! You've defeated the original infected and defeated Cthulhu! You've attained the Good + ending. >
End Of Story