Catharsis of Cthulhu

You decide to return to where you last sensed Doctor Hall. You mind is thrumming and you're finding it hard to process what is happening. You feel that it is better to turn to him for guidance.

It takes you a while to finally catch up with Doctor Hall. His vital signs, along with Doctors Dahlik and John, continue to move in tandem along the starboard side of the ship. You follow them with as much speed as you can muster. You have to keep stopping to pick up the weapons and ammunition of fallen soldiers. Though your own strength is more than enough to put down the infected crew, bullets are faster and much less messy.

Finally, you catch up with them in a small storage bay, where they had closed themselves in.

You knock politely, "Doctor Hall, Professor Dahlik, Doctor John?" you call. "Please open the door. I have eliminated all volatile persons on this side, there is no danger at the moment."

You can hear a small scuffle on the other side of the door, along with some elevated voices. But, after only a moment, the door opens to reveal the beaming and relieved face of Doctor Randal John.

"Oh, gosh, 23! Thank god that you're here! We were pinned down," he gushes.

Dahlik is wearing an obvious expression of disgust and malice. Hall looks dubious.

"Yes, I had observed your plight upon tracking you here and eliminated the infected that were outside. May I please enter?" you ask, worried that more will be drawn towards the sound and smell of your strife.

"Oh! Yes, yes, of course!" John exclaims, stepping aside to allow you in.

Dahlik remains unhappy with your presence, but Hall seems to relax once the door is closed.

He comes forward to put a hand on your shoulder. "What's the report, soldier?" he asks.

You relay to him how you had observed the chaos of the Medical Bay and had followed Doctor Scrofa to the Mess Hall. You explain to him what she had told you after you pressed her and how she had died.

"I see," Hall says in disappoint, after hearing your report. He seems disappointed in how Doctor Scrofa met her end. "In that case, things are dire."

"Catharsis was the one who first seemed to loose it," Doctor Hall comments, almost off-handedly. "She bit Scrofa and everything just seemed to go downhill from there. We only just go away. We need a plan of attack."

Doctor Hall thinks for a moment, before he seems to decide on a course of action. "23, you don't have any issues with the infected outside, do you?"

"No. I am much stronger and faster than them, especially in their damaged states. And, even when they attack me, I am not a biological creature, so there is no tissue for them to infect," you explain.

"Great. Listen, we need to find Doctor Catharsis. We need to figure out what this thing is."

"Of course, Doctor Hall. Right away."

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