Operation SNY [Saving New York]

"Connect me with Delta Team,"
"Connecting you now, sir,"


"Operation Saving New York"
New York, Manhattan
800 Hours
Delta Unit


The radio cackled as we finally picked up a signal. "We got an incoming transmission, sir!" Paul Rojas said as he pushed multiple dials on his communications link. "This is Delta Unit," Our team leader James Ramirez said, talking into the radio. We had a small crew of 6, but we were very skilled.

Team Commander James Ramirez
Lieutenant Carl Anderson
Seargent Peter West
Specialist Paul Rojas
Private First Class Nicholas Black
And last, but not least (hopefully), me; Private Second Class Raymond Nelson.

We were "Delta Unit"

"Understood," Ramirez said, into the com.
"We have transportation en-route to you now, ETA 6 minutes," A voice cackled out of the com.
"Roger that, Delta Unit out," Ramirez said, tossing the com to Rojas.
"What's today's menue?" Anderson asked.
"Top priority from the top," Ramirez said.
"How high 'the top'"? Anderson asked.
"Strait from Overlord," He said.
"Oh, that's very high up..." West said.
"Incoming APC!" Black yelled.
We all turned around to see an enemy APC just taking the curb.
"Everyone, INSIDE!" Ramirez said pushing us to the nearest building, Starbucks. We locked the door behind us in a close call, we weren't spotted. Everyone layed low, either behind the counter or against the wall.
We watched calmly as the enemy APC rolled slowly past the door, surrounded by about 8 troops on each side. Ramirez held up a hand signal (Wait). I checked the M4A1 in my hands, 80 bullets in my current mag and about 160 to spare. "Low ammo?" Black asked, crouching next to me. I nodded. He passed me a mag which I carefully tucked away.
An explosion rocked the building then everything all of a sudden went silent. No sounds of Russian ground forces, no sound of a moving APC, just silence.
"What the hell happened out there?" I asked.
"Rojas, West, go check it out, I'm right behind you," Ramirez said, standing up with his M4A1 at the ready.
"Anderson, Black, Nelson, stay put till' we give the go,"
We watched as Ramirez, Rojas, and West creep out the door. Black instictively moved away from me and took check by the door. Still Silence.

Almost a minute later, Rojas burst through the door.
"Our ride's here...." He said with a large smile.
"Soldier, what are you smiling about?" Anderson asked as we all got up and walked to the door.
As I walked out, I stopped in my tracks as I saw two humvees driving behind a tank.
"Oh hell yea," Nelson whistled when he saw the tank.
Our unit regrouped as was met by 2 marines.
"Delta unit, we are your drop off," A marine said gesturing at us.
the six of us each split up into two jeeps. Ramirez, Anderson, and I took the first jeep. I sat in the back left with a Anderson on the right. Ramirez took shotgun. One of the marines climbed into the turret position of our jeep, and we started rolling.

"So... what exactly is our mission?" I asked.


I regained consiousness to find myself bracing against the door of a sideways jeep. I was still dazed, but able to keep my head up.
"Nelson, gun up!" Anderson said, crawling out of the now-empty gunner's seat. I folled him out, with Ramirez right behind me. The other jeep had stopped, and I noticed everyone was still alive, only one wounded. The tank had come to a complete hault but the minigun kept firing, giving us some time to cover. We all seems to automatically take aim. Dozens of Russians heavilly armed were firing at us, luckily we had cover.

"It's a whole god-damned division out here!" Black yelled.
"Good, the more we take out here the less we have alone the way," Anderson said reloading.
"DELTA TEAM, MOVE OUT!" Ramirez ordered.

We kept shooting, wasting countless mags on enemy forces.
Soon all the fire died down, and not a single Russian was in sight.
"Weapons check!" Ramirez called out.
We had to check how many mags we had left.
"Last mag!" Black replied.
"Got two," Anderson said.
"Two," Rojas said.
"Nada, got like 60 bullets in this last mag," West said.
"Last two, sir!" I said.

"RPG- LOOK OUT-" Someone yelled. The tank infront of us exploded, throwing us off our feet.
"Tank is down!" A marine yelled. We started with 14 guys, and now we just had 9, plus one wounded. (Tank consisted of 4 people)
"We got Russian ground forces! Lots of them too! They're gonna swarm us if we don't get out of here!" West said.

"Alright, Rojas, Anderson, Black, with me, we're going through this building meet up on the apparel street," Ramirez said. "West, Nelson, your choice, clear this building out with us or go with these marines and meet us on the other side in the jeep.

"I'm with you," West says, talking directly to you.