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The Shadow Games

You cannot hold in all your frustration and anger. It manifests itself in energy crackles around you.

Without a word spoken you fly furiously at the creature. It shakes its head in amusement and prepares for your attack.

You unleash your rage upon it, blow after blow you throw at it, but it is able to meet each attack.

Mockingly it backhands you hard, hard enough to knock you to the ground. You rise and stand; a solemn look on your face. And it builds, the thoughts prod your mind. Your family members were murdered because of this creature, all because of you it seems.

You yell, full of frustration, your muscles tensing. And then you just let go. All of your emotions flood your body and pour out into your fighting.

You hold nothing back. You put more into this match than you knew you even had. By the time your thru nothing is left of the beast.

You begin to turn around and notice as it begins to form back together again. You clench your teeth together hard and blast the remains w/ every remaining ounce of your energy.

You collapse, weary from the strain of it all. Tears stream down your cheeks and fall to the ground in great amounts. Yet thru your tear-filled eyes you notice something. A parchment flapping in the wind, partially on fire.

You clamber to it and snatch it up, putting out the flames. You read what it has to say. And what it has to say floors you.

You have 1 choice: