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Resident Evil

Raccoon Forest

Alpha team is flying around the forest zones situated in north-west Raccoon City, where we are searching for the helicopter of our compatriots Bravo team, who disappeared during the middle of our mission.

Bizarre murder cases have recently occurred in Raccoon City. There are outlandish reports of families being attacked by a group of about ten people. Victims were apparently eaten. Bravo team went to the hideout of the group, and disappeared...

Off in the distance, you noticed smoke billowing from the forest. It must be Bravo team's helicopter. There is eerie fog surrounding the tall grass, as you and your team made your way through the forest to the crash site. The moonlight casted a dark blue hue to your surroundings.

When you arrive at the crash site, nobody is in the helicopter. Strangely enough, most of the equipment was still there. However, you soon discover why...

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