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Shadows on Water

Night comes on as you walk down the hillside, out of the forest and onto open ground. You haven't gone far when you are startled by something standing a few yards in front of you. When your eyes adjust to the light you see it is a great grey rat, two feet tall, standing on its hindlegs, staring at you ominously. For a while you both stand facing each other. So confident this animal seems when faced with a man. Then it moves slowly off to its burrow somewhere.

Even a rat in its element has its dignity. The little incident is in some small way an inspiration to you.

There is then a clap of thunder and a downpour of rain. Your spirits are dampened, but you go on all the faster, desperate to find shelter soon.
Soon enough you come to a road on a small raised causeway. Not wishing to risk being seen, even in darkness, you stay off the road, but follow it along the muddy bottom of the causeway. An hour or so later you come to a small town. At this hour few people are around, but there are three fairly old women packing up a roadside stall.