Kekkaishi ~ Interlude of the Snow

Prologue Scenario: Midnight Storm

It wasn't her pride that got in the way. Yuki Onna just didn't trust a stranger. The deal just seemed too good to be true. Besides, Toriyuki wasn't that grave in danger. The Shadow Organisation's already one fishy group, and the Kekkaishis won't hesitate to eliminate both herself and Toriyuki if they were seen as a threat. And maybe… if she reaches Karasumori, who's to say that it would actually help save her instead? Besides, she worked best alone.

"Your words are sincere, but your sympathy is unnecessary," Yuki Onna coldly replied, turning her back on the human.

"Wait! If you go, both of you might not survive!"

"Rest assured, Kekkaishi. I'll find another way to save Toriyuki," She simply told him. Moments later, her body transformed into a cold wind and flew into the direction of Karasumori.

Later, hours after the encounter, Yuki Onna managed to arrive at a desolated spot outside the sacred land. Reaking her human form, she solemnly continued her journey under the moonlight. With Karasumori just within her sight, Yuki Onna knew there was no time to waste.

"Well, well, what do we have here?"

Yuki Onna whipped around to the owner of the voice, just in time to deflect his sword with her katana. Not once did her eyes break contact with the Ayakashi before her. The Ayakashi took something close to a human form draped in a black yukata with red fiery trims. His burnt skin was covered in bandages; his eyes were nothing but yellow sclera and blood red pupils. Few strands of hair appeared to stick out from the white bandages.

"I was told that some certain Ayakashi has been eliminating huge numbers of Ayakashi – some of them being from Kokubourou."

Yuki Onna stepped back, defended herself against the stranger's second strike. The Ayakashi's grin grew bigger, revealing fangs and crazed intrigue.

"Nice guard, but let see if you can handle this!"

Another long blade shot out from his left hand, swinging down to meet Yuki Onna's frozen katana. With skill, she deflected his fast counter attacks in every strike, almost keeping up with his intense speed.

"Impressive. To think that there's another Ayakashi who could match my speed," He praised, in the midst of attacking. Noticing how Yuki Onna ignored him, he grinned even wider. "Hey you, what's your name?"

"My name is of no importance," She replied lowly, leaping into the air as she relished her katana. "When your death is near!"

But just before her blade could touch the Ayakashi, he disappeared from the ground below. Yuki Onna's eyes widened in surprise, realising she had been fooled. "Shoot!"

All of a sudden, the Ayakashi knocked Yuki Onna down from behind and pinned her to the ground. As Yuki Onna struggled, the bandaged Ayakashi whistled. "Hmmm, not fast enough I guess."

Drawing out another blade from his free hand, he stabbed her in her left arm. Yuki Onna resisted the urge to scream, even though the wound cried for release of its agonising torture.

"You're not going to scream?" The Ayakashi coyly asked. Impressed by how she refused to give in.

Yuki Onna gritted her teeth, trying to form ice around the wound. Her breath hitched when the Ayakashi leaned closer to her neck, taking in a deep breath. His eyes glistened with glee.

"Just as I thought… a human scent…"

Yuki Onna cursed mentally. 'So he saw through me? Looks like he's not one to be underestimated.'

Yuki Onna instantly turned her body into snow, flying out of the Ayakashi's tight grasp. Once in the air, she tended to her injured arm in her human
form. Crimsom blood dripped down from her arm to the ground. The pain stung her deeply, despite the ice formed to numb the pain.

'Tch… why is the wound regenerating so slowly? Was there something in that Ayakashi's blade?'

"Oh laaaaady!" Yuki Onna turned to the Ayakashi who held the bloody blade in his hand. Slyly, he licked her blood off the blade, grinning even more sinisterly. "Your blood tastes very good..." The blade sank back into his hand, as he licked the blood dripping from his palm. "…For an Ayakashi Majiri."

Yuki Onna glared coldly down at the insane Ayakashi. "Who are you?" She demanded.

The Ayakashi ignored her, resuming his taunts. "You know what, I think you're holding back. Tell me, did you come to Karasumori to save yourself? Or save your precious human half?"

He jumped away as ice needles landed sharply on his earlier spot. "Hah! Did you miss on purpose? Or are your powers weakening?" The demon swordsman taunted.

Again, Yuki Onna ignored the Ayakashi, disappearing from the air, only to appear right before him to launch an assault of attacks. As if he anticipated her moves, the Ayakashi summoned new blades from both palms, matching with her assault furiously.

"Hahahaha! This is great! I've never felt so alive for so long!"

The moment the Ayakashi tried to strike her from the side, Yuki Onna quickly ducked, slicing at his limbs. The Ayakashi buckled, kneeling down on one knee. The Ayakashi grinned. His eyes were driven by the exciting battle adrenaline. Yuki Onna took a step back, creating a distance between her and the opponent.

"What's the matter? The battle's not over y-" He stopped halfway, realising that he couldn't move his limbs. Looking down, he discovered that both of his legs were encased in ice.

"On the contrary, it is," She bluntly pointed out. Drawing out her katana, she took slow deliberate steps towards him. "Ayakashi. I shall slay you now once and for a-"

By this time, Yuki Onna froze, collapsing to her knees. She coughed violently, blood spat out onto the grass. Her eyelids grew weary, vision blurring. Every muscle in her body was exhausted, and she could feel herself fading.

"Damn it… if it weren't for my body's current condition…" She huffed.

"Is that all?"

Yuki Onna gasped, looking up in shock, as the Ayakashi easily broke free of his ice bounds by increasing his spiritual pressure. Standing up, the demon swordsman made his way towards the weakened Yuki Onna. Looming over the silver-haired woman, he grinned sadistically, bending down to meet her gaze.

"… You sure look awful. Pity, must be hard for you with that weak human side of yours. Why not you become one of us? Abandon your humanity and free yourself?" The mummy Ayakashi grinned sinisterly. "Just like I did."

She clenched her fists tightly. "N-Never… I'll never become… like you." Yuki Onna began to cough more violently, while the Ayakashi brought his blade close to her pale white neck. Almost making the porcelain skin bleed. Staring at his inhuman eyes, she glared back with great intensity. The glowing dark aura surrounding her made the Ayakashi grinned wider in satisfaction.

"I'm going to ask you again. What. Is. Your. Name?"

Biting back a retort, she replied frostily, "Yuki Onna."

"Well then Yuki Onna, I'll let you off the hook this time. Once you recover, I'll be expecting a better battle with you in the future."

"I never agreed to such a thi…"

"Ok? Good, then it's a promise!" He cheerfully said, standing up. "Oh yeah, before I go…"

Yuki Onna's eyes widened as blood spurt from a cut on her right arm. The mummy Ayakashi took the torn off fabric of her white kimono, clenching it in his right hand. "I'll be keeping this to remember you by. So you better remember my name too when we meet again." He turned to her, revealing his sadistic grin under the bandages. "Kaguro. I'll make sure you scream my name the day I cut through that beautiful, cold skin of yours."

The last thing she heard before her world went dark was the sinister evil laugh echoing from the distance.

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By the time I woke up, I was on a bed with a man named Masamori sitting by my bedside. Apparently he found me knocked out in the cold in the nearby woods and quickly brought me back to the Sumimura Household for recovery. The wound was treated in time, but because of the injuries she had received, Yuki Onna switched places with me to preserve my life. I was back in my body, but my senses were disoriented. My memories were a blur, and so I had to learn how to regain control over my movements and mind alike.

For the next four years, Shuji-san and Toshimori both pitched in to help, with Yoshimori's father spoiling me. I was grateful to them, though inside, I swore to myself to become stronger in order not to let anyone else get hurt because of me. So I took it upon myself not to become a freeloader at other's expense. I helped cook and clean around the house, running errands for the Sumimura Household.

When my memories returned, the experience was anything but pleasant. The coldness of abandonment filled me inside, along with a blurred vision of an
attack by a strange black figure. The fear of the unknown grew unsettling. Sometimes for some odd reason, I would feel paranoid and nervous, believing someone was one day going to kill me, now watching me secretly from the shadows. I was oblivious to the world of the Kekkaishi and Ayakashi. When the Sumimuras told me, I tried to get in touch with Yuki Onna, the Ayakashi persona of my Split Personality Disorder. Alas, I was unable to summon her.

Unfortunately, without her, I was just a powerless human being. Unlike the other Ayakashi Majiri, I could not control or summon my Ayakashi powers. Only she could choose when she would appear, and most chances were rare by one in a million. She was unpredictable, like the cold winter gale.

I only wished that she could tell me what happened on that dark, cold night.

But she never did.

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