Kekkaishi ~ Interlude of the Snow

Prolouge Scenario: Nostalgia in Twilight

Even though she hated the idea of Toriyuki working with the Shadow Organisation, the Night troops could provide what her human self lacked – skills, training, guidance and friends around her age. Most of all, protection. With this man on her side, the human wouldn't have too much trouble from the organisation's leaders. Maybe even learn how to battle an Ayakashi or two. She could have very well ignored the Kekkaishi's offer, but the idea of both herself and Toriyuki dying didn't sound too appealing. And so against her better judgement, she accepted the deal.

"Very well, I'll accept your offer. But I won't be joining the Night Troops or the Shadow Organisation. I do not wish to take sides in the battlefield," Yuki Onna said.

Masamori nodded. "Understood."

For a moment, both parties stood at the opposite ends, staring at each other – Frozen irises to dark pupils.

"Take care of her," Yuki Onna whispered.

Soon, her body shrank to a petite size, surrounded by white light. Her silver strands of hair turned chocolate brown, shortening to mid-length above her shoulders. Her pale skin reverted to its normal beige shade, with a hint of peach. Her white kimono now replaced by tattered, worn out pyjamas, seemingly to small for her current size.

Just as her legs gave way, Masamori rushed towards the girl, just in time to catch her in his arms.

"Got'cha," He muttered.

The little brunette's eyes agonisingly opened briefly and slowly, her lips parted in a quiver. Masamori noticed the glass irises were replaced the sky's blue hues. Before she could speak, the young girl passed out, falling limp in his arms. The Kekkaishi smiled a little as the exhausted girl slept peacefully in his arms. Her skin felt warm compared to the cold snow.

"Nice to meet you, Toriyuki Fuyuki."

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Four years had passed since I was first introduced to the Night troops. Unfortunately, my body was weak, unable to adjust to my human senses. As a human, I was completely powerless. Since my split persona refused to take form, I was deemed unfit for battle. My human memories were lost and my mind was left disoriented. Masamori and his fellow Night troop comrades took it upon themselves to take care of me like a family. It took some effort, I managed to regain full control of my body's functions. And gradually... my memories. Eventually, I joined their Cooking & Provision Procurement Units and became part of their joyful family. It was the first time I had experienced the joys of having a family and friends. They felt like home. I wished that those peaceful days would last forever.

Alas, that would be a lie.

As the number of Ayakashi drawn to the Karasumori escalated, the Kekkaishi families – the Sumimuras and the Yukimuras – were about to bite off more they can chew. Now with stronger Ayakashi appearing, the Shadow Organization appears to have taken a great deal of interest in the sacred land itself. Knowing how shady the organization really was, Hence, Masamori sent in two of his trusted Night Troop members to assist the Kekkaishi in the protection of Karasumori – Gen Shishio and myself.

"M-Me?" I stuttered in shock.

"Yup, starting from today, you and Gen would be attending Karasumori Academy. Since we got an apartment rented for Gen, I think you could stay with the Sumimuras," Masamori explained. Seeing my doubtful, nervous expression, he chuckled. "Don't worry, you'll do just fine. I know you can do it."

"But I… can't fight like Gen and the others…" I muttered. "Are you sure, Chief?"

Regardless, Masamori assured me that I would be fine. My stomach went to the pits.

Though reluctant at the idea of leaving my new family, I accepted the mission. The others bid me farewell before I left. Aikawa (the Head Chef) was leaking a fountain of tears, pleading for me to stay for one last meal. Gen simply ignore me, remaining cool at the scene. To be honest, I was relieved that I wouldn't have to live with Gen. Even though we had trained together as kids, I was sure that we had some happy moments together. Despite what others said, we sort of bonded over our similar experience of mistreatment and Ayakashi powers. Yet for some reason, one day, he stopped talking to me completely. His cold, uncaring attitude always made me feel uneasy whenever we were together. In the end, we grew apart.

Till now, I wondered to myself what I had done to make him look at me with such hatred in his fierce eyes.

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