Hall of Infinite Doors

You stumble back, raising your hands instinctively to ward off the 'girl',. Still laughing hideously, she rakes her nails across your arm and then lunges again.

In your shock at the sudden attack, you'd almost forgotten you were holding a machete, but now you realize it may be your only chance.

Eyes narrowing, you brace yourself and slash at her, eliciting an inhuman shriek. No longer laughing, the red-eyed girl leaps upon you, snarling and snapping as she tries to get at your throat.

She's surprisingly strong, but you still have the weight advantage and manage to shove her off and away for a moment, blinking as you notice black smoke trickling out from where you cut her. Encouraged by another snarling attack, you slash at her again, and again and again, until she lets out an unearthly howl that sends chills down your back and collapses at your feet.

Gasping for air, you watch in horrified fascination as more and more smoke comes pouring out of her many ugly wounds, and the body seems to...wither...as it does, leaving nothing but a few scraps of leathery flesh clinging to bones.

As the last of the smoke dissipates, something catches your eye. Nestled in the ribcage of the...girl...monster...thing, right about where the heart would have been, is a gleaming red jewel, shot through with black swirls.

Do you want to pick it up?

You have 2 choices: