Hall of Infinite Doors

The sun is already almost setting, so you'll have to move fast. Picking a random direction where the undergrowth seems to offer the least resistance, you strike off into the wilderness.

It doesn't take you long to completely lose your sense of direction as you're often have to double back or go around one obstacle or another, and you start to wonder whether you made the wisest decision, but it's fairly dark now and it's too late to stop and gather materials for a shelter, so you grit your teeth and continue on.

Stumbling forward in the dark, you're slapped with branches and tripped by roots while all around you a ceaseless cacophony of howls and shrieks resound. Several times you hear unidentified animals crashing around nearby.

Finally a complete inability to see more than twelve inches in front of your face forces you to stop and wait out the night. When morning comes you're a miserable wreck, and no closer to any help or answers than you were before.

And unfortunately, when the NEXT morning comes, a combination of exhaustion, dehydration, and exposure to the elements has put you well beyond such concerns.
End Of Story