The Execution

"I'll Give you guys enough time to escape, Carver you'll have to rush That Rufus guy and steal his truck and leave with the girls" you said. Lily Slaps you and says "No we're not leaving you" you grab her and tell her" it's the only way you can save them all its what Daniel what have wanted." You then ask Carver " Can you handle this lil bro? Carver says "I got it but when we get the car your coming with us" you then give him a hug tell him "you love him and to keep the girls safe and look after lily for you" Carver,Sarah and Miranda all head down stairs towards the back door outside. Lily Stands next to you crying. You embrace her with a hug. Then kiss her on the lips and walk down stairs and she follows you. Lily Joins The Others and you begin to wonder if your doing the right thing? Or just being an idiot.

You have 1 choice: