The Execution

You arrive back at the cabin and you guys pack up all your bags… then you smell and see smoke outside the window. And you see the car on fire you all begin to go outside. And daniel says "What the fuck? Who did this shit" Carver says " Them Fucking Hillbillies" Then you all hear a loud screech. And you Grab lilly closer to you. The screech gets louder. And louder. Then you all see a foggy Black Smoke. And coming out that smoke a 7ft tall man who looks like he was burned alive then drowned. With 2 Giant Machete in Both of his hands. Daniel screams at him " Did you do this shit? Did you fucking set our car on fire" and then pulls out his gun. The Man… Begins to walk closer. And Daniel says" bitch are you death? Can you not hear the fucking words that are coming out my mouth?" Daniel Shoots at the Man. Hitting him in the chest 3 times. But the man keeps walking towards them. A truck pulls up and a Man gets out the car and its Rufus the man Daniel & the girls met earlier. He says "It can't be so The Executor spirit" The 7ft tall man stops and starts to look towards rufus. Rufus Screams towards you " The Executor Is a Man Who Used To own this house over 80yrs ago he used to kill Niggers like you, until Niggers stood up to him and all burned him alive. And now your living in his cabin. He's come back to kill you all and I'm gonna watch it" You All Look at Sarah and say. I thought your family owned this house? She replies "I lied I heard this cabin wasn't used and no1 lived in it for years. Before anyone can say anything else The Executor charges towards you all and daniel begins to fire his gun again until his clip runs out. you all run into the house while daniel is shooting at the Executor. You Scream "DANIEL COME ON!" Daniel Turns around and looks at you then. The Executor drops one of his machetes and picks up Daniel by his neck. and Daniel Scream's "RUN!"