The Phone Call

You grab a reloaded gun and jump out your car, sprinting to the scene. You point the gun at the outline. The boy with shaggy black hair and blue eyes looks at you.

"NO! DONT! PLEASE! THATS MY DAD!" he yells, thinking you're going to kill his dad.

You ignore him for the minute and shoot at the outline on top of his dad. It stays still. The boys dad seems to be okay. You look to the boy and he's covered in blood. He's not hurt though. The boy's dad shoves the now visable gross beat off him and shakes your hand.

"Thanks. This is my son Hunter, by the way. I'm James." James introduces, shaking your hand.

You give a faint smile and remember the package.

"Do you guys have a car?" You ask, not seeing any car but yours.

They both look at an open cliff. You see. Their car was pushed off the cliff.

"You can come with me in mine but I got to get back to my house and -" You're inturrupted by the boy.

"Are you CRAZY?!" Your house is probably invested by those beasts now!" he yells.

You shake your head.

"There's something there that's very important to me." You calmly explain.

The dad nods.

"Okay. Could we come? We could help?" he asks sweetly.