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Beautiful Melody

A classic story of boy meets girl and falls head over heels in love.

Blaze Willows is a 17 year old who's parents are an odd match. His father Travis Willows (originally from England) is a semi famous musician from the 80s who is trying to kick start his career. His mother Jessie, the beauty queen of her high school, fell in love with the schools biggest rebel, got knocked up a year after graduating school and married for all the wrong reasons. In order to try and help Travis get his career back on track, the family is leaving England and moving to a new town in the USA for a fresh start.

Melody Vines is a 16 year old girl with two younger sisters Nancy and Cassie. Her father Richard is a strict man, who has been know to give out emotional and physical abuse. Her mother Connie a quiet woman who hates/avoids conflict, but is to scared to leave her abusive husband.