Can you juggle your teenage life?

You: (Yeah, I think I'll pass the date...I didn't really like Bridget least not enough to get killed...)

You turn around to get the bus home. As you get on a bus, you see Tamsin. You didn't like her, but you didn't hate her. She was more neutral. You didn't speak to her often. The seat next to her was the only seat on the bus so you sat next to her. She looked a bit nervous. You decide to greet her.

You: "Hi"

Tamsin: *giggling a bit* "Hi"

You: (Ok...sorry I said anything...)

Tamsin: " was your day?"

You: "Not too"

Tamsin: "I was in all your classes so it was great..."

You: "What?"

Tamsin: "I mean, alright! It was alright..."

You: (Ok...she scares me a little...)

The bus arrives at your stop so you get up. As you get up, you notice Tamsin stroking your arm a little. You get off the bus, still creeped out...

You have 1 choice: