Try the new AI-powered Infinite Story.

And so she was stuck

She woke up only to realize she was mid step holding a box walking into her bedroom and tripped" ACK!" she fumbled the box and muttered on the floor "what I'm sleep walking now?... probably should take a break from the edible tests.." she looked at the box pulled it over only to blink as her fingers seemed to have issues uncurling "…weird..must have slept on them" she managed to open the box and do a push up to look inside it looked like a folded pink cat suit with a note "dear Kim we received your Email on our clock review and rushed our next product to you on same day delivery as requested please enjoy and remember r to give us feedback" "…what…email?...I didn't send.." she looked at her computer which was indeed opened to her email with a "sent" message up" or…I guess I did…" she tried to get up but blinked un able to get from all fours "…wh..what in the?" she said…well actually she thought if she'd been more awake she may have realized not a single word had left her lips instead of a "mew" or meows replacing her words