Try the new AI-powered Infinite Story.


They say you don't dream in cryo, the eons between worlds being filled with nothing.

Unless you're a kinetic like me.

All I saw was a plain of gray rocks, eternal, enduring, un-ending,a void in creation.
I watched the black sky as the blue orb of fire slowly fell into space, succumbing to the constant of time and gravity.

But then, something happened.
Something wonderful.

From the ground beneath my feet, a gentle glow blossomed outwards, illuminating this desolate place with the infinite majesty of endless color.
And as i gazed upon this sight, with the light shifting and reflecting off my face, I realized I had felt as never before. It calmed my troubled mind as I embraced it's eternal beauty, and felt something,

something I had never felt before.

I was serene.

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