
"Of course" Art replies, her face serious. You jump as your phone rings. You answer it before anyone notices.
"Mum?" You say in suprise as your mothers voice fills your head.
"Get out, hide, son, Jet, hide" Her voice come sthrough distorted, the staitc and heavy breathing making her words come out sperated.
"Mum?MUM?" You scream as she screams and you hear wet thuds. The phone goes dead.
A teacher snatches the phone away.
"You little-" She falls silent as a hands rips clear through her chest. In the hand is the womans heart. You stumble back, knocking over Art, who tries to cath your shirt. You both fall over.
"Jesus Christ" You breath as your science teacher bites into her neck. His eyes are empty and milky white.
You run past them, trying to drag Art with you. She keeps up and yout both begin careening wildly down the stairs. You immediatly go into the elevator.
You gulp in some air before dragging Art into the elvator. You hit it and it pings shut just at the entirity of the school shakes. Your eyes fill with white noise and the lights flicker in the elevator.