The Penal Colony

The men, spread out across the wall of the exterior of the compound were all graffitying what they thought about the compound. As with Graffiti though, the writing was written indistinguishable to anyone other than the artist themselves.

They all eventually seized spraying on the walls, then they all dropped their cans, and set on lighting them, but just in the nick of time, sirens were heard from not only the ground but the sky. The men started to shit themselves and all decided to complete their objective before going to prison, or worse.

The man on the very left of the wall was the first to go over. He struggled, but made it, then ran to the building and hid in the cargo bay behind a lot of boxes and trucks. the man next to him was next to make it over, followed by the third fourth and fifth. The sixth man just made it within seconds, but the four men that didn't make it over in time were all apprehended by the police.
the 6 men inside the compound now had to think strategically 'cause they were 4 men down. They had originally planned after all to do this with 10, not 6.