Pokemon Adventure

It is your 10th Birthday today, meaning you are now allowed to start on a pokemon adventure of your very own just like your Mum

You jump out of bed and run into the kitchen.
"Hey Dad!"
your mum is already up and making breakfast
"It's so great your going on your own adventure! You remind me of your Mum"
You smile "Aw don't go all soppy on me"
"You better get going you don't want to get to Professor Oaks late!"
"I've packed your bag for you and everything. Try your best I believe in you!"
"Thanks Dad! I'll miss you" You say as you walk out the door slinging your backpack over your sholder

You arrive at the Prof's lab within a couple of minutes.
In your haste to get in you collide with a boy your own age.

What do you say?