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Digimon Transverse

An Original Digivice might not be too shabby, too. Heck, it has a rather sacred feel to its holy icon. Also, considering that the Digivice provides a direct evolution without many methods of 'special evolutions' affiliated with its function in the anime (save the Warp Evolution method), you feel that it is the true Digivice that fits with DORUmon's evolution, as it seems to evolve directly into its next form in the X-Evolution movie as well.

As you theorize about this, a red beam of light is shot from the red, triangular piece of gem on DORUmon's forehead. The light stream is fired to you waist. Your eyes follow in the direction the light is flowing to, and soon you see a shape materializing into place, glowing with white light as it increases in size to that of your palm.

Soon, the light fades away, with the Original Digivice you were thinking about appears in its place.

You are ecstatic! First a Digimon, now a Digivice! DORUmon stares at you in curiosity of wondering what is happening. Regardless, it smiles at you anyway, being happy that you are happy.

Upon finally gaining a Digimon partner and a Digivice, you feel that you would like to try out handling a battle with a hostile Digimon somewhere. At the back of your head, you question a little bit about how your thoughts became reality, but you feel that you could save that for later, after you have fun with an adventure.

You look around, and you are reminded of the two directions you could take.