Project Theta 27

You decide that whatever they want to do with you when you sit down on that chair is definitely not good. You walk around the room, but find nothing. Just walls. No windows, no doors... What?! There was a door there a few seconds ago... When you walked in... What... happened?

The voice calls out again: "Subject 153815, sit down on the chair." You walk around more, searching more desperately. THERE HAS TO BE A WAY OUT! Your mind screams. You walk around more and more...

"153815, sit down on the chair." You search more frantically, reeling at the thought that there is no way out. You look toward the strange chair that seems to be more of a barber recliner than a chair, and it seems to have strange buttons and cables coming off of it. You look at the cables, and trace them to the place where they disappear into the ground. You pull at them, and suddenly a red light flashes.

"Subject 153815, sit down on the chair or we will use force."
You tug at the cables harder, determined to get out. Suddenly, something attaches to your face and doesn't let go. You cannot breathe. It seems to be a mask. You feel sharp pain on your back, as if hundreds of bees are stinging you in a line. You realize you are on the chair, and straps come out of it and wrap around you, securing you to it. The mask doesn't let you breath, and strapped to the chair, not being able to breathe or do anything about it, is something so terrifying you cannot even grasp until it actually happens to you.

You black out, which seems to be happening to you lot since you got taken into this strange place.