Try the new AI-powered Infinite Story.

Sonic World Adventure Rush!

"Strewth! Askin' a Shelia to risk life n' limb ain't to gentlemen like." Marine protested, folding her arms and turning her back.

"You don't have to if you don't want." Sonic sighed, rolling his eyes.

"Are you kiddin', mate? I'm all for it!" And with that, Marine had already removed her gloves and shoes, and dove into the water.

"COLD! COLD!" she exclaimed, and this made Sonic smirk a bit.

While Marine makes the trek, take the time now to fill in her Vital and Combat Stats, as you now control her.

Quick Wits:
Cool Factor:

Health (Strength + Agility)
POW Points: 3

Special Abilities:
Sailors Knot: Marine has learned to tie different forms of knots. This ability might come in handy.

Knowledge of the Sea: Being an aspriring sea captain, one has to know of the marine life that one might encounter. Adds +2 to attacks when against any living sea creatures.

Starting POW Attacks:
Coconut Bash - Marine slams both her fists into an opponents head. Does 7 Damage. Cost: 2
50% chance of Stun Status to living enemies. Roll on Luck to determine

Raccoonarang - Marine tosses her trusty boomerang, enabling her to make two attacks at once.
Test her Luck to determine if it strikes.
Then again to determine if it strikes on the return.
Test it one more time to determine if she catches it. If not, she can no longer use it until the next encounter. Does 5 Damage each successful hit. Cost: 3
50% chance of Stun Status to all types of enemies. Roll on luck to determine.

Starting Items:
Boomerang - Useful for more than just fighting with, it can also hit switches and other hard to reach objects.
To use it, test Marine's Luck to see if it hits it's desired target.
If not, you can test again to see if it hits the target on the return.

Starting Ability Bonuses:
A Little Clumsy - -1 on Luck rolls
Sea Knowledge - +2 on all search rolls done in or near water

You have 1 choice: