Cold, Dark, and the Color of Red

Tony stood up and started to walk towards the building across the street. There were two doors, one at the end of the street, and one in the middle of the building.
Tony moved towards the door in front of him. The one at the end of the building came out right in front of the police, and he didn't figure that anyone would risk running out that way. If in deed there was someone who would run.

Through the door and to the right was a staricase leading up and around to the apartment with the window. There was nothing about this place that seemed off, at least not any more than a usual apartment. They are all a little creepy.
Just then the door burst open, black smoke filtered out and boom, Tony was hit, and hit hard. It knocked him to the ground, and left him just this side of unconsious.

His eyes were blurry from the hit and from the smoke, but he did manage to see a man in the brimmed hat with a kane walking away from him, and everything went dark.

Several hours later Tony awakens to find himself oh a couch. An ugly green and red couch, in a room.

"Welcome stranger."

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