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IWT5- The Sneeze

"Hey, Anna," said Rod, not bothering to get up off of the couch. Anna had been his close friend long enough to feel welcome in his home. After the wraith, he had dropped her off at her house so that she could tell her parents where she was going. It was clear that they needed to figure out how to help Jacob before the two of them fell victim as well.

"So, I was thinking," she said, as she took her normal seat in the easy chair, "Jaik'nob must be some sort of technology demon. No, think about it," she added, when she saw Rod's eyebrows raise.

"The phantom ghost thing only attacked us when you were driving. And then it got worse once I turned on the air conditioning and opened your phone. But once you turned the car off- it stopped."

"...Huh." Rod pondered this a bit before speaking again. "Still, that doesn't really help us stop the demon, let alone free Jacob. It's not like we can go door to door and make everyone turn off anything electric."

"No, that's true," she said, lost in thought.

"Well, there's no point in thinking hard about it. I'm sure something will come to us. Let's turn on the TV," said Rod.

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