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The Bleeding Room

After a moment, the face disappeared, and Dameon blinked in surprise. What had just happened? he thought. Why am I over here?
He was in the kitchen. Apparently, the face had begun moving, and he had followed it. But the house couldn't let him remember. Otherwise, he would know the secret to the Bleeding Room, which was something it couldn't allow to happen. He would have to figure that out himself. Dameon shrugged and took a knife out of his pocket. He was already in the first room and was ready to begin the challenge. Slowly, he cut into his finger, allowing the blood to slide down his skin until it finally dropped onto the floor. He quickly turned his finger to avoid dripping more than one, and moved on to the next room, the living room. He did the same, using a different finger, then moved on. It took what seemed like hours to go through each room of the house, and soon, Dameon was exhausted from lack of blood. As the fatigue swept through him, Dameon backtracked until he found the Master bedroom. "I'll just take a little nap," he said aloud to himself. "Just a few minutes."
And with that, he fell onto the bed, unconscious before he even hit the mattress.

A sharp pain made him open his eyes. Dameon looked around, terrified. He was no longer in the bedroom. He was in a room lit only by small flames on either side. The walls seemed to be made of rock. He quickly realized he was bound to the ceiling and a few feet off the ground by thick, black chains. He noticed a man in front of him. His arms were bloody, and the skin on his face was folded over. It was quite a disturbing sight, and Dameon had to force himself not to gag. Where was he? he thought. Suddenly, a tall creature stepped out of a strange door near the wretched figure. It was a light gray beast, with thick claws on his hands and a long, barbed tail. It grinned at Dameon, showing a long, thick set of teeth. "Welcome," it said in a dark, scratchy voice. "We are Degoon, and We would like to introduce you to the Bleeding Room. We hope you can stay a while. We offer great hospitality."
"What the hell am I doing here?" Dameon screamed.
"You are here because you were foolish enough to sleep in the house," Degoon growled happily. "And We are happy to see you. The last person to visit Us is no fun, as you can see."
He pointed to the bloody carcass. "We had to let him go. But you are special, the House thinks. It thinks you can make Us happy. Here are the rules of the game We are letting you play. You must find a way to escape Us, or you will never survive, for if you can't find a way out in 24 hours, you will stay with Us forever. Now We know it isn't fair to play with such few advantages, so We have been given the honor of giving hints along the way. Good luck!"
"Wait!" Dameon yelled in horror. "Aren't you going to let me down?"
"That," the demon hissed, "is the first challenge!"