Death Note

The next day. "Kazuo this is boring, you've just been reading all day" said Ryuk. "I'm reading all the rules Near got from Ryuta" said Kazuo. "Why? What's the point just start killing already" said Ryuk. Kazuo stopped reading. "I found it" said Kazuo. "What did you find Kazuo-kun?" asked PIPOr. "The rule that will allow me to win" said Kazuo, pointing to the paper.

"I see" said Gizou. "What?" said Ryuk. "He wants to get more Death Notes into the human world" said Gizou. "Huh?" said Ryuk. "There can be no more than 6 working Death Notes in the human world at a time. The seventh, and others arriving after it will have no effect, unless one of the ones before it goes and it becomes one of the 6. A shinigami can look for 82 hours to find an owner for a Death Note" said Kazuo. "So you want me to try to trick to old guy again?" asked Ryuk. "Gizou I need you to find out how many Death Notes are in the human world right now" said Kazuo.

"I could ask the shinigami king, he'd know" said Gizou, flying up through the ceiling. "If I get 6 Death Notes I can create more Kiras, but more importantly, I can switch the seventh Death Note with Z's" said Kazuo. "Keh keh keh keh keh! So his Death Note will be useless" said Ryuk.

Gizou, flew down through the ceiling. "The shinigami king said there are currently 4 in the human world" said Gizou. "What? There's mine, PIPOr's and Z's, but also another" said Kazuo. "Keh keh keh keh keh! Interesting.... So your plan won't work now?" said Ryuk. "It will, but the 4th owner will be difficult" said Kazuo. "Keh keh keh keh keh! and if Z reads the rules and knows them?" said Ryuk. "Damn! I didn't think of that, but Ryuk try to get one Death Note. I'll give it to the 3rd Kira, who is killing the investigation team, Z will find it full of the names, then they'll be arrested as Kira, right before they die, as planned" said Kazuo.

"Keh keh keh keh keh! I'll see what I can do then, but you'll owe me a lot of apples for this" said Ryuk, flying out of the window. "Kazuo before when you told Ryuk 'What makes you sure there is only one'. Is there another Kira or not?" asked Gizou. "Yes, a back up for the third Kira, Near wrote exactly what happened with his original Kira case and I noticed how he took control of Light's Kira and used them to win. I've made a back up, because I expect this to be similar" said Kazuo. "Heh heh heh, I see" said Gizou. Kazuo started writing in the Death Note.

"Kazuo-kun, what are we going to do about the rest of the investigation team?" asked PIPOr. "Nothing, the other Kira has probably already written their names, and I'm going to make him write them all again in the Death Note Ryuk brings back" said Kazuo. "Ryuk flew back in the window. "I got one Kazuo, but it's one of the crappy ones with a red cover. Keh keh keh keh keh!" said Ryuk, handing the Death Note to Kazuo. "Don't give that to me, give it to Gizou" said Kazuo, still writing in his Death Note. "Fine" said Ryuk handing the red Death Note to Gizou. "Gizou, go to the third Kira and give that Death Note to him" said Kazuo, who had just finished writing in the Death Note.

"Ryuk, take this page to this person" said Kazuo, pointing to one of the names he had written down. "Keh keh keh keh keh! This person? Interesting" said Ryuk, flying out the window. "Heh, not as interesting as how the third Kira will die, I'm lucky Gizou found out about those orphans, my plan will work the third Kira will just die one second before they would as written in your Death Note, PIPOr, when I made them the third Kira" said Kazuo, smiling. "So we're close to winning, Kazuo-kun?" asked PIPOr. "Yes, we are" said Kazuo.

Someone knocked at the door. "Huh? That's right. PIPOr you have to pretend to not like anime at all" said Kazuo. "Huh? Why Kazuo-kun?" asked PIPOr. "It's a mission, if you fail Z will kill you" said Kazuo. "MISSION START!" said PIPOr, walking to the door. "Hello, I'm doing a survey about what anime people like?" said Sagara. "Why?" asked PIPOr, Ryuk returned and stood behind Sagara. "It's for an upcoming community event, we did an earlier survey to find out what people would like for a theme, and the result was anime. So now we're finding out the most popular to base the event on" said Sagara. "Keh keh keh keh keh! He looks like he's trying so hard, but he isn't as good as Kazuo or Light" said Ryuk, walking past into the house.

"Well, I don't even know what anime is. What is it anyway?" asked PIPOr. "Don't worry, sorry to waste your time" said Sagara, walking away. "That was easy" said Ryuk, as Gizou returned. "Good everything is going as planned, now we just have to continued killing criminals and wait for a week" said Kazuo. "OK" said PIPOr. "Keh keh keh keh keh! Don't you have to also help Z?" said Ryuk. "Yes, maybe" said Kazuo.

What will you do?