The Fugitive

"Freeze. Don't you dare move asshole, or we'll Shoot."
The police arrived and busted down your door. Pity you couldn't do anything either.

After you recover from your paralysis, you tell the police your story.
You tell them about how you were working late when Helen rang you. You tell them that when you got home a man jumped on you and attacked you, and you tell them that you don't know where Helen is.
However, the police do not believe you, because according to them, Helen scratched you because you skin follicles were found under her fingernails, and you had traces of her blood all over you.
No matter what you said, you could not convince the police it was you. What made the police suspect it was you was the further evidence they found. The found out that she was covered with insurance, and that you wre the soul beneficiary of all the money.

You went to court next, and thanks to all the evidence given by the cops, and the little you could provide for your case, you were sentenced to 25 years in prison.

You have 1 choice: