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Hall of Infinite Doors

Oh, wonderful. No, really. I mean, seriously though, how long have you been walking down these halls. 10 min? 20 min? a half hour? have you ever pondered why you even wanted to go this far? In the hall and in life, there is never really any point. Oh sure, you can get yourself a warm and tingly feeling inside, but really, It will pass, and nce more everything is normal. Boring, and repetitive. Even if you manage to beat the HOID challenge, you'll forget all about it in a couple of years. See, every accomplishment, no matter how great or vile, will eventually be forgotten, and there fore , forgiven. You chose the I shall not be deterred option to get here, but really, if this halll was truley infinate, then you would eventually be detered because you would simply have no choice. See? No? Alright, allow me to explain. If you cantinue down this hallway for as long as you can, it really won't matter in the long run. Even if you dove out onto the street in a chicken suit and pulled out 2 uzis and started killing peoplke while asking how the weather is today and ordering fresh and rotten fush a the same time, people would eventualy forget all about it. Sure, it might takes years or generations but it would ultimately be forgotten. If aliens landed, bought a loaf of bread, then flew away and were never seen again, people would eventuially belive that it never happend. People as a whole have very single track mindds. Take the hobskinville goblins. They showed up one night at a farm and started tormenting the residents. The police and scientists, of coase, contributed it to a gas leak that made the residents see things. This does not explain why all the citizens saw the same things. See, even if those who were there belive it, they will eventually die and the good ol' goblins will have no defence anymore, exept perhaps this post, though I highley suspect it wil neday be deleted. Then everyone wil belive the gas theroey and the goblins will become a fireside tale. On the topic of mortality, no matter what you do, you will eventually die. see? ok. Yes. No. Mabey? See, even if you somehow invent a mirical cure for cancer or the like, when the planet become sengulfed by the sun, there wil mbe nobody alive to recount your deeds. Everything you do, is therefore completley pointless. Despite the fact that you are reading this, you will most likeley forgwet it and even if you do, you'll die and won't be able to pas sit down forever. See, unless you are immortal your actions don't matter whatsoever. Which you aren't. Deny it all you like, nobody is immortal. Even the gods. Gods are but a figiment of thought. Gods die when nobody belives them. When everyone on earth dies, nobody will belive these gods and therefore gods will die. See, if gods were real, they would not let thier followers suffer. Moses parted the waves? If we put all the christians of earth over a giant spike pit and the only way we would let them live is if god would part the water again, he wouldn't do it. This means there is no gods. This likewise means there is nothing after death. just blackness. So, you will not go to heaven or hell, you will not go anywhere but blackness. There fore I have made doors to heaven and hell here, as well as a reincarnation door and a void, or blackness, door. Depending on your blelife, many different outcomes are pssible, but blackness is the only true one. Reward after death for being good while alive is a lie. If the gods really were perfect, then they wouldn't threaten us so. Yes, it is a threat, heaven and hell, don't deny it. It is sying, Be good or I will brutally torture you. The gods fully aprove of this. Alas, all gods are evil. If evil is truley a relevent statement, however. See, like I said, gods are mortal. And mortal's actiolns do not matter, as i said, regardless of intent, because they will be forgotten. Likewise, your actions, mortal, will be forgotten. You only strive to suceed for pathetic self glamorification. Getting to the end of this hall will do you no good whatsoever.

Going past this will not give you the HOID challenge's completion, so why don't you just give up and head back to the bigginning, make a door or two there, where it will actually be seen? What good will come of completing the challenge, and what does it matter if it is good?

Going on will not allow you to complete the HOID challenge, anyways...