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Tales From The Basement

Look at you. You're pathetic.

You're over 18 and still living at home.

You have no job, no skills, and absolutely no future prospects!

But why bother pointing all this out? You know all of this already, but still choose to leech off of Mom's hard earned money.

You're a basement dweller.

Worse, you're an Anime loving basement dweller. Sure you could drop lower, but you're already just below the tapeworm as far as social scale is concerned. Even Trekkies rank higher.

Right now you've just received every anime DVD that you could buy with your mom's stolen credit card. She'll probably bitch at you later, but you figure you've got at least a week before she sobers up enough to find out. Until then, it's anime time! Tonight is the night that you start your journey to give yourself totally to anime. If you do, you will be forever chained to itÂ…

However, that doesn't have to be your fate! There IS still hope for you! Somewhere within you there does exist something human. You COULD resist the anime! Do something else! Anything else!

Think about it. Is what is on those DVDs really going to be any different from what you've seen already? Seriously it's all the same anyway. Bunch of wide eyed pre-pubescent girls dressed in the latest pedowear while sucking on lollipops and effeminate fags who emo whine about how they're only half human and finding out that their true love is actually their long lost sibling.

I mean as much as we all like watching a bisexual half demon commit anal rape on his 12 year old sister every once in awhile, there comes a time where you just gotta say: "What the fuck am I doing? Half of this shit is inane and stupidly childish, and the other half is really fucked up and twisted. And some of it manages to combine the two halves. Two nukes really weren't enough for that country. I'm going to do something better with my life."

So is today that day you sad little freak?