Try the new AI-powered Infinite Story.

Hall of Infinite Doors

They don't seem to be armed at all and you are a skilled martial artist. You decide to beat them up and chastise them for tying the girl to the tree. Maybe they'll even tell you why they tied her there.

There are three of them all with their backs turned to you. One is a female with spidery black hair. The other is a small man, perfectly fitting all geek stereotypes: he should be easiest to take out. The third is a burly man with the sleeves torn off his shirt.

You jump out from behind the tree and whack the geek on his shoulder instantly knocking him to the ground. He wails in pain bringing you the attention of the other two.

The woman immediately tears a big branch off of a nearby tree and begins to swing at you with it. Meanwhile the big man charges at you at full speed in an attempt to tackle you. You trip the big man as he passes you, sending him headfirst into the trunk of the tree. Only the woman remains now.

The next time she swings the stick at you, you duck and grab a hold of it completely disarming her. You hold the stick against her chest pushing her towards the ground. You have her at your mercy, what do you do now?