Steve3: Twilight of the Chosen

You adjust your white robes, the traditional Morman warrior robes feel good, but you can't help but wish they would let you wear them without clothes underneath. Yea, now that would be comfortable… Robbie and Burger come into your room, both wearing robes like yours. "Come on, Steve, We'll be late!" Robbie says as Burger adjusts your robes a bit. You follow them out to the hall of the rebuilt Oakland Temple. Dusty and Derek are there in robes, Scott wears his finest security leprechaun uniform, Adam, his finest birthday suit. You follow them out and up onto a large patio high off the ground. Overlooking a beautiful courtyard filled with Mormons and military and citizens, Pirates and police, and leprichans, all of the people who fought beside you. They cheer as you arrive. You and your friends stand to the side next to Amy in her finest pirate attire, so as to watch the ceremony. Across the stage a Police officer dressed in official robes along with a young girl smile and nod to you. You nod back. You notice they both appear to be wearing one half of a handcuff, although not attached to each others anymore, it looks more like a bracelet now. President Harrison stood next to them. In the center of the stage stand Jess in her Captains' attire and Jourdan in beautiful black and red robes that at once look both Military and Religious. Jess has finished a speech and now pulls her ceremonial sword from its sheath. She speaks into a microphone so that all can hear. "And it is on this day, a year since the end of the great battle of good and evil, here on the land where so many of our brothers and sisters gave their lives that I present to you, Jourdan Lance, this sword, signifying you as the first Commander in Chief of the Morman Armada, and the Chief Elder of it's people. It is with this burden, we have come today to ask that you shoulder it so that we may work together as a people into the future." Jourdan took the sword, bowed to Jess, and to the crowd and spoke, "It is with this responsibility that I will lead us together so that we stand united." Jourdan sheaved the sword and the celebration began. She walked toward you and your friends, exchanging hugs.
Much later aboard the outside deck of the SPOT now, Jourdan watched as Steve, Robbie, Scott, and Adam got into Norman. Across the deck, Dusty and Derek boarded a rebuilt Z. The setting sun lit up the entire deck of the SPOT in an orange purple glow as it floated over the Pacific Ocean. Steve poked his head out the window of Norman, "Come on Jourdan, its empty without you in here, one more ride for old times sake?" Jourdan smiled "Oh ok, just a short drive." She climbed in between Burger and Adam. Adam slyly put his arm up on the headrest behind her. She smiled. She would have killed anyone else for this. But today, she would allow it. Adam smiled and blushed nudely. Norman and the Z took off from the SPOT. They floated above the ocean as the sunset stretched across it, The SPOT behind them. "So where to now, Steve?" Jourdan asked. Steve looked back to her, smiled and shrugged his shoulders. Robbie Burger and Adam smiled too. Jourdan joined them. Away Norman flew, into the sunset.

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